We create residential, commercial and natural spaces to positively impact rural America.
Responsible, unconventional development and design.
Our comprehensive approach considers everything from local well being to tourism, historical context, and environmental impact when concepting a new project. While our outputs are physical places to gather, live, shop and enjoy, our ability to ideate something new and viable is what sets us apart. We look for interesting challenges because solving problems to improve quality of life is at the core of what drives us.
Ultimately, we solve problems.
Here are some of the ones we hear most often…
“We put so much work into pitching new companies to come here but ultimately lost out on job creating and revenue generating projects because we didn’t have the infrastructure, housing or workforce to supply it.”
“We need more traffic to support our small businesses but no one knows we’re here. We need more draw to our area.”
“The cost of property here has gotten too high. We’re losing all our young people because they don’t have anywhere to go. In a decade or two, there won’t be any locals left.”
“There’s so much potential here we just don’t know how to turn it into something. We have space. We have people. But we need more ideas, more things to do and more people spending money here.”
“People who live here spend all their time at work or driving to work, but there’s nothing for them to do where they live.”
“We get lots of tourists coming through because of the big parks but there’s nowhere for them to shop or stay or ultimately spend money locally.”
What We Do
We develop projects with a lifecycle approach to better communities. This means considering human experience to be a leading driver in defining a space as more than location and design. With a strategically developed approach, we find a range of elements within a community and concept new experiences so that it may thrive.
This includes the integration of local and renewable materials, designing affordable housing to meet local demand, creating compelling commercial attractions to draw traffic and tourism, increasing community profile for job creation, and developing upscale properties to further generate revenue for the county.
Strategy, Research and Planning.
Strategic advantage and direction is a crucial planning step for any new project. Our work includes site visits, stakeholder interviews, discovery of challenges and goals, and strategic planning. Analysis of real estate and market trends, environmental considerations, and demographics are also included.
Concepts and Design.
We can lead or assist with everything from ideation and concepting to predesign and design. We provide detailed stakeholder, investor, and market reports of project benefits and approach. We deliver spatial designs with determination of materials, concepts to pursue and stakeholder projections.
Marketing and Credentialing.
Raising the profile of counties and projects for tourism, job creation or relocation is vital to continued success. We offer services to amplify the mission and vision of projects and stakeholders through PR and marketing, as well as pursuing additional credentials like LEED, WELL or SITES .
Mission driven focus and trust
in the triple bottom line.
We're on a mission to turn new development projects into rich, lively spaces that generate revenue and local benefits for rural counties across America. Our ideation process considers economic, social, and environmental factors to create unique places that go on to become integral to their communities. We believe that human experience, environmental design and profitability go hand in hand, and considering the value of all three produces the best, most successful projects.